How To Find Peace With Yourself

Inner peace is crucial to your overall well-being and happiness, and it will most definitely help you throughout life.

Inner peace is what we feel when our body, mind, heart, and soul are at rest. We feel a sense of profound acceptance, forgiveness, love, and compassion.

It lets you live with a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction that is not disturbed or affected by external events.

Below are ten powerful tips on how to achieve inner peace. Start implementing some of these suggestions into your daily routine, and you will soon find inner peace and discover the calmness that can only come from within.

Simplify Your Life

Keeping life simple will help you achieve inner peace because it will direct your energy to just what’s important to you. Throw away everything that you don’t need in your life. That includes people that drain your energy and hold you back, clutter, clothes, and too much data on your phone.

Remember that quality is better than quantity. Keep it simple, and stay focused on what’s important.

Be Present 

The only moment that truly matters is now. It’s the only moment that exists. You cannot change the past, nor predict the future. So, focus on what you can control, the present moment.

Living in the past or future is pointless. The more we are stuck in the past, the less we can truly live our lives to the fullest in the present. The same applies to the future: it hasn’t happened yet. Living like this you can’t feel grateful for what you already have. You can’t absorb the magic and beauty around you.

Not living in the present moment is the biggest reason why so many of us lack inner peace.

Express Gratitude

Take a moment and think about how lucky you are every day. Express gratitude for what you already have in your life.

Give yourself time

Everything that comes will also pass. Today’s darkness may be sunny tomorrow. Time heals. Tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities. Healing takes time. Moving on is a process. Don’t rush yourself into feeling better — do it one step at a time.

Forgive Yourself and Others

Feeling guilty about the past will not change it, and it’s not going to make anyone feel better. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Also, holding onto a grudge is something that only punishes you. It’s time to let that stuff go. It’s not punishing the person you’re mad at, it’s only hurting your own mindset.

Meditate/ Reflect

Meditation is a great way to calm your thoughts and emotions so that peace will eventually become more normal for you.

Move Your Body

Moving your body can release feel-good hormones. Just taking 15 minutes of daily exercise in your routine can make wonders.

Set Limits

If you constantly find yourself overwhelmed consider saying more “no”.  It’s okay to say no.

Stop expecting that life should be different

So much of our unhappiness stems from expectations. Expectations change nothing at all. It’s just a waste of time and energy. Just accept your life for what it is.

Stop trying to be “perfect”

If you are never quite happy with what you do or who you are, chances are you are a perfectionist. Remember that there really is no such thing as perfection in life. Life is about growth and change.

What do you do to find peace when life gets too overwhelming? Let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear from you!

18 Replies to “How To Find Peace With Yourself”

  1. I listen to gospel music. Music that gives me strength to keep on moving and believing that better days will come.

    1. I agree with listening to gospel music. I rely a lot on my higher power. Often I find myself doubting God with what other people believe. Do you have any suggestions on how I can just stay focused on what I believe instead of what other people believe?

      1. Hi Brandy, I use to do the same thing and I also cared about what others thought of me. I tell others all the time now to focus on your relationship with God and the second most important, focus on the relationship with yourself. It’s like this, if you expect to find love in a relationship then you must first find love in yourself. If you don’t, you will constantly compare yourself to others relationships and there will be so many flaws because you have yet to find yourself. Now imagine you fall in love with yourself first, then you would know what true self belief, faith, and what true love actually is because you’ve now found that in you. You know what you want and you refuse to settle for less. Just like a magnet will attract the same forces, you too will attract everything that you now are which is the becoming and attracting the best version of yourself! Focus on becoming the best version of yourself possible and apply these same principles in your situation. Block out all that is not for you and start making time and room for everything that is. Fall in love with finding yourself and trust me once you do, you will find true inner peace just as this blog describes except, you will be the one replying to someone else’s question because you want them to feel everything you’ve accomplished for yourself and more! God is the captain of your boat which is your life, he will guide you and take where you never imagined! God just ask that you paddle and trust by faith, that he will lead you in the right direction. Doubt causes you to abandon your own boat because you worried about how lost you are but im here to tell you, God never abandoned your boat so you shouldn’t either! I wish nothing but the best for you Brandy, it’s your time now!

      2. I just distance myself by hiding one corner of room or else just go to sleep .

        1. That was very well said. Easier said than done. I know loving yourself is key but I just can’t seem to do it! I’m sitting at the dam now because I got overwhelmed and when I do I just want to run away and die. Thanks for sharing!

      3. I look at all the good people that are in the World doing what they can to brighten and transform others for the better. Thank you Kati.

  2. I meditate, breatheeee and talk to loved ones… and try to do yoga when my body finds some strength

  3. i really feel better when i read the article , This article came at the perfect time when I was struggling with feelings of anger.

  4. I mediate on the word of God and appreciate myself for coming this far. I do encourage myself that am not alone on this journey and I so much believe in my bright better future

    1. I have apps that are helpful for the mind such as this app and some self development apps. I read books, whether it’s a fiction book because it diverts my attention or a non-fiction book because it fuels my mind. Also doing household chores is good even if it sometimes boring and doing exercises too. I don’t know specifically but it depends to what my self want at the moment as long as it gives me peace.

    2. Praying to God, mindful meditation, writing down what I’m feeling, social media detox, crying and talking to God about what’s going on with me helps me come back to sanity.

  5. Hi Kati. I just want to say honestly: I am truly grateful to have come across this App. It is everything in one and I love it! We appreciate you and your hard dedicated efforts to make a difference in people’s lives.

  6. First I get in tune with God. Fbatever it is causing a disturbance within me I take it to the Lord in prayer. Believe it or not prayer changes things. I try to incorporate happy thoughts and I focus on what makes me happy in the now. I rebuke anything that makes me uneasy, in Jesus name,and I cast all my burdens on Him. I can now rest assured that my God is in control and everything is alright.

  7. Thank you very much for this piece of article, I have been so down indoors in worries about my expectations which never came. I prayed and became violent in my spirit throwing attacking words to God’s word, but when I concluded “as it pleases God to deal with me, let Him do” reading few scripture verses. I gained strength and life inside of me.

  8. Abo Mohammed says: Reply

    It is my eternal problem of perfectionism that steals my inner peace and makes me all time anxious. From now, and after reading this great article, I decided to strengthen my trust with my God, and be satisfied with all his doings. It is so short time to worry about it.

  9. I exercise by jumping rope then sing from Christian hymn book and then pray to God. It gives me inner peace

  10. I drop everything on the spot, grab myself a cup of tea and have a good cryout. Then reflect on what just happened, think of solution, give myself time to recover, if needed go do something that brings a smile to my face. Resume my day.
    I have autism so I get overwelmed about 15 times a week.

  11. I b r e a t h e. Slowly in and slowly out. Focus on the rising and falling of my chest, the air inhaled and warm breathe exhaled. I l e t g o.

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