Most of you probably don’t know, but we’re just two people running our small business. Lima and Kati. Lima is the main developer of the apps (21 days challenge and daily reminder), without him, none of this would exist.
And I’m Kati, the person behind this blog and the Instagram page, who answers your sweet messages, gives you support and answers all the emails, and creates the content. I’m really passionate about helping others to feel better and to become the best version of themselves. Mental health, self-love, and personal growth are really important topics to me.
I’m constantly receiving lots of messages here and mostly on my Instagram page asking for advice and seeking help. I’m not a psychologist or any kind of therapist, but, somehow, my messages and words have a positive impact on your lives. And this means the world to me. I feel so honored to have had so much of an impact on you. But let me tell you, you are the ones inspiring me.
So, at the beginning of 2021, I thought about creating something where I can share my history, so you can learn a lot about me and why I am who I am today. I hope it can help at least one person understand how valued and loved they are. It’s something that I hope will help you face life and give you some advice on things you may be struggling with and make you feel less alone. A place where you learn how to thrive, how to make a conscious choice to live the life you want to live, to be grateful, to love your life and yourself, to grow and follow your dreams.
I kept waiting for the perfect time to do it. But I’ve learned a lot about life lately, especially that it isn’t perfect. Everything happens for a reason and if I kept waiting for things to be perfect, this new project would never be born.
So, in 2021, I started creating something I’ve always dreamed about… I’ve written a book! I’m so excited to share it with you! Just know that without your constant love and support none of this would be possible.
In this book, I’m here to tell you that any emotion you feel, any little thing that you are struggling with is ok to be feeling. No matter how small it seems to others. We will get through the bumps, together.
You can buy the book on Amazon. It’s available in paperback and Kindle versions.
I love you, never forget that.
Kati ❤️