How to Get Over the Loss of a Friendship

Recovering from the loss of a friendship is as difficult and as painful as a romantic relationship. Especially when it’s a long-time friendship where you’ve shared your secrets, hopes, and dreams.

A broken friendship can be very sad and hard to process, but in life, the loss of friendships is also inevitable.

Also, losing a friend does not reflect your value or ability to be loved by others. Sometimes it just has to happen regardless of your best efforts, there are reasons people choose to end friendships such as unavoidable changes in life, circumstances outside your control, or the friendship naturally fades due to differences in life paths.

Unfortunately, we have no control over someone leaving us, but that doesn’t mean we have no control over the situation. What we do have is control over our own feelings and emotions.

  • You have to make a closure for that friendship: it can include a conversation with each other or journaling for only yourself. It’s a necessary part of moving on.
  • Give yourself time to heal after the loss of a friendship.
  • Learn to forgive after the loss of a friendship.
  • Deal with your feelings: most people try to avoid their feelings because it’s painful. But keeping it all bottled in isn’t healthy. Eventually, you are going to have to face your feelings and deal with them. If you don’t deal with your feelings they will come up somewhere else. Deal with your feelings, talk things through with someone you trust, write your feelings down, cry if you need to, then move on.
  • You can learn from the loss of friendship and become a better more authentic friend to others.
  • You can seek out new friends, and embrace the possibility that a new friendship may blossom.

No one likes ends. No one likes pain. Not every beginning is meant to last forever. And not every person who walks into your life is meant to stay.

You can’t make someone be your friend, just like you can’t make someone love you. But what you can do is focus on the wonderful friends and people you do have in your life. Focus on the ones who are still there, not the ones who walked away.

Sending you so much love and strength ❤

7 Replies to “How to Get Over the Loss of a Friendship”

  1. I cant express how much I needed this rn.i was up till 4am because of a lost of friend and I felt so heart broken. but I feel I can move on. thank you

  2. Thank you so much for this. I lost my bestie a little over 4 years ago however she passed from health problems. What hurt the worst was (I’m a recovering addict) sadly my addiction had gotten the best of me, i had relapsed, and I listened to her take her last breath on the phone. She was cremated and I have some of her with me but it doesn’t help me to forgive myself. I know she would be upset that I’m so hard on myself for it and of course she’s forgiving- idk I just carry so much regret about it. I’m currently in the process of reuniting myself with the LORD so I have given it to him….maybe some of these suggestions will help as well. Thank you so much everyone!!!!

    1. Hello niamh don’t be sad…
      We can’t hold the past it’s painful…
      Just cry as hard as u can and leave all the the things…
      Hope u will get someone better..
      And i am ur new friend 😄😇
      Focus on ur goals…
      Hope ur future will be bright as sun and u will be cool as moon..

    2. Thank you. I never knew moving on can be this easy. Sometimes it is as hard as leaving the soul from your body.

  3. Is it okay if I ask you to add to this? Maybe show any further example? Thank you!

  4. thank you, I always read your blogs. God bless!

  5. How ironic isn’t it?
    that the people who are close to us disapppoints us the most. </3

    💻🌷 but I am really fine now ♡ it's not heavy anymore ++ I learned a lot abt it.
    .°+ thank you so much pretty kati for ur stellar words ♡ I adore u sm 🙂

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