Open Letter to Anyone Battling with Self-Worth

Maybe you find it hard to love and accept yourself as you are.

Maybe you think you’re not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough.

Maybe you think that you will only be accepted if you accomplish a certain amount of goals or successes.

Maybe you always think that you will always fail.

I feel you. I’ve been you.

But it’s time to change that. It’s time to stand up for yourself.

The aim of this post is to remind yourself of the truth of who you are.

You are already good enough. You are already perfect the way you are. Nothing, you or others, say or do can make you any less worthy.

And it’s called self-worth for a reason: you decide your own worth. It doesn’t come from your bank account, the number of friends you have, the number of likes, your status, your job, or what you own. It comes from being yourself and being proud of who you are. The numbers will change with time, but what won’t change is who you are.

You are good enough even if you fail a million times and make mistakes. It’s human.

You don’t have to accomplish or be anything than the real you to be worthy of love from others and from yourself. Worthy of freedom, worthy of happiness, worthy of passion and purpose.

Stop punishing yourself for your imperfections, immerse them in compassion and recognize that they are part of who you are. You’re not broken. You just have to remember these things.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Stop seeking the approval of others. You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

Love yourself.

Be kind and patient with yourself.

Know your worth.

Always. ❤️

22 Replies to “Open Letter to Anyone Battling with Self-Worth”

  1. Thank you for this. I really need this right now.

    1. Thank you so much for this . It really helped

  2. Thank you for this, such a welcome reminder!

    1. Merci beaucoup 🥰

  3. Aabha Pandey says: Reply

    Thanksssssssssssss Sweetie 🌸
    Rlly needed this !!

    1. Sharon Whiteside says: Reply

      Great reminder

    2. Literally calmed my soul🤍🤍🤍

    3. thank you

  4. Beth Roetheli says: Reply

    Perfect timing. Thank you

    1. Thanks so so much for this write up, it has really addressed my situation to an extent.
      I appreciate.

  5. Such beautiful words! Thank you 😊 💓

  6. I absolutely love this & needed it❤️

  7. Thank you. I’m finding it hard to feel fully worthy because I’m struggling with health issues right now and for the last few years. Now that I’m better but not fully healed I started to be more social but also to feel ashamed for not being healthy enough to do some things only healthy people can do. In my case like having a relationship. 😔 But thank you for your words, it helped a lot. 🤗

    1. i’am so happy to read you 😍because i need it.
      my problem is about loving my self cause i find this to hard, especialy when i’m alone without an other one who loves me. am I a dependent woman?

  8. It was just yesterday i was feeling like this.. well for few days i wasnt keen with my schedule and it made me feel bad and so as my parents started with thier words …. it really got hit that they think we dun care for them 🙁 , anyway, I’m trying to break the chain and thanks for this ♡♡

  9. Dear friends, thank you so much for your help in this matter as I have been struggling with my sense of self worth for the past few years. I’m getting better because I get to know myself better thanks to you. ❤️

  10. One stage in my life I felt like I had to keep approving myself towards people especially some who I didn’t particularly like and I have been feeling I am not meant to be apart of this world however this really helped me to realise how important it is to stand up for yourself when you want to control your life and mindset.

    1. Saumya Pandey says: Reply

      Thankyou for these words i really needed this… Sometimes we forget or doubt our worth but this reminder is necessary!!!

  11. Thanks a lot ❤️. I really needed that one. I just can’t express what exactly I’m feeling now .

  12. a shy and socially awkward person says: Reply

    Thank you so much for this… I really need need this, I need some motivation right now and I’m glad that I got to see this.

  13. Much love

  14. Thank you so much.
    All that you say is true.
    Just need time to learn and love myself
    Thank you

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