10 Things You Should Do For New Year Success

The Next 10 Things You Should Do For New Year Success

These past 2 years were tough for everyone. And we are all more than ever motivated to take control over our lives, make the most out of the year to come, embrace new opportunities and experiences, and we feel more motivated to conquer our dreams, right? So, it’s the perfect time to make our resolutions! It’s a time for a fresh start! But making resolutions is more than just starting eating healthier, exercising, drinking more water, etc. It is a promise to grow, to learn, and be a better person. Think about all your goals, but think about ways to promote an overall positive change in your life too. 

Here are 10 things you should do for new year success and to promote positive changes in your life:

🌟 1- Having a good sleep schedule

Sleep deprivation is the worst enemy for your productivity. Sleep can affect your health, your performance, and your ability to do your work. So challenge yourself to have a good sleeping schedule by going to bed and waking up earlier. You can always start the “Fix your sleep schedule” on the 21 days challenge app. It may help you improve your sleep quality and not give up on your goal.

🌟 2- Balanced eating and no more diets

Building a healthy relationship with food brings so many amazing benefits! I’ve talked more about it in this post. It’s time to stop dieting and restricting. Eat your vegetables and your chocolate too, you just have to find the perfect balance that works for you. Food can really affect your physical and mental performance, mood, coping with stress, energy, immunity, skin, and much more. So, give your body all the nutrients it needs to survive and thrive! 

🌟 3- Journaling 

Document your thoughts and feelings this year in a daily journal so you can look back on it for years to come. And it’s the best thing to clear your mind. How you’re feeling, what happen in your day and what is causing you anxiety. I promise that you’ll feel a little lighter after that.

🌟 4- Keep learning 

What is something that you’ve always wanted to learn? A language? An instrument? A sport? Sewing? Coding? Drawing? Start taking lessons this year and gain a new skill.

Educate yourself throughout your life. In today’s world, there is a ton of information put out daily. You have free online courses, apps, amazing youtube videos, and podcasts. Take advantage of that. Make it as simple as possible and commit to learning one new thing every single day. 

🌟 5- Express gratitude 

Express gratitude daily. Look around you and be grateful for what you have now and for the opportunities that you have and you are able to create. It helps clear all negative energy and put you in the right mindset. Over time, you’ll feel less stressed and anxious and feel more peaceful, calm, and joyful. Do it as part of your morning or night routine. 

🌟 6- Have self-care days every week

This is so important! Helps you relax and forget all that happened during the day and give you a mental break. Spending time with yourself is important to get to know yourself and to recharge. If all you have in a day is 15 minutes to yourself, make those 30 minutes all about you. 

🌟 7- Reframing bad thoughts

Reframe your thinking by flipping the negative thoughts into positive ones, how you look at situations that you don’t feel comfortable. Negative thoughts just make you feel miserable and hold you back from pursuing your dreams. You need to shift that thinking in order to feel better. You can read this post from last year: “Reframing negative thoughts patterns”.

🌟 8- Don’t wait for the ‘right’ time

The right time never comes. Especially when it comes to decisions or actions we are afraid of for some reason. Often it’s just an excuse. Don’t spend your life waiting.  Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. What we all need to realize is that we will miss amazing opportunities if we stay in our safety bubble.

🌟 9- Don’t compare yourself

Comparing yourself to other people it’s a complete waste of time! It can lead to worry, self-doubt, and jealousy. Whenever you feel like slipping into the comparison trap, stop and try to remind yourself about your strengths, dreams, goals. Focus on yourself. All journeys are unique. 

🌟 10- Focusing on the solution instead of focusing on the problem

You won’t solve a problem by complaining about it. It’s a waste of time and energy. Instead of that try to find a solution. Don’t waste your time attaching yourself to the negativity, instead think of it as a learning experience and move on.

Ask yourself:

  • This happened. What can I learn from this so that it doesn’t happen again?
  • What am I going to do now to overcome this?
  • What are the positive things from this situation?

Only when you accept the situation and stop fighting it, you can change it. 

Things happen. To everyone. Things also always pass. 

You can also read these posts from last year: “10 Ways to Change Your Life in 2021” and “Simple ways to “Glow Up” in 2021” to feel more inspired.

I’m curious to know. What are some habits that you would want to adopt or improve in your life in the next year? Sending you all the love and success for the next year ❤️

16 Replies to “10 Things You Should Do For New Year Success”

  1. Merci beaucoup pour ce super article comme toujours 😍❤️

    Je vous souhaite plein d’amour et de joie

    Prenez soin de vous

  2. Thank you for the helpful list. It will be a great tool when deciding my goals for the upcoming year.
    Keeping this list of ten things in an easily visible place will be a good reminder, and help keep me on track. Looking forward to an incredible new year!🎉

    1. Thanks for sharing, would really work on my negative self and be more positive this coming year

  3. Im looking forward to applying some of the lists you’ve mentioned. Contemplating to do some or not. ☺️😊❤️😀😄

  4. Very good. Thank you. Happy new year

  5. List consisting of some amazing things I must include in daily routine of my life .Thanks on sharing .I wish everyone would take a step ahead to lead better Quality of life

  6. Thanks a lot❤😊

  7. Florence mukenge mwale says: Reply

    Thanks for sharing. This will definitely change my approach toward many things in my life.

  8. This is very helpful 😊
    Thanks ❤

  9. Gracias, me encantó. Me comprometo a ponerlos en práctica. Saludos.

  10. Thank u <3
    It's very inspiring

  11. Right on sista! Will take a tidbit out of each one n together, will hope to make a snowball affect in my life!

  12. Voy por ello 💪💪este es mi año para ser una versión mejor de mi

  13. Thank you for your app and this list. Number 8 is my main one..i know what to do ,its just doing it and seeing as its something for my health you would think id just do it ..

  14. I would like to eat more comfortable with my life 😩

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