How to be a mindful shopper

Have you ever wondered how to stop buying stuff you don’t need?

A lot of people have a problem with mindful shopping. They spend more than they could afford, they shop emotionally things that they didn’t really want/need.

But we can learn how to shop with purpose. If you want to learn to be more intentional and to save money, ask yourself these questions before you shop and buy something:

  • What activities do you spend most of your time doing?

There’s no point buying clothes for a life you don’t live. Ask yourself what life you are dressing for. Be honest with yourself and buy clothing for the activities that you will wear.

  • Do you really need it? Will you use it often?

If the answer isn’t an absolute yes re-evaluate the purchase. If you will use it on a regular basis and it will add value to your life while doing so, it’s probably a good purchase. If it’s something you will only use occasionally, it might not be worth it.

  • What are your intentions behind wanting to buy something new?

Think about why you really want to make that purchase. It will add value to your life? You are bored and want something new? Are you trying to impress someone else?

  • Do you already own something else you could use instead?

Sometimes with a little creativity, you may realize you already own something you could use in place of the item you are considering buying.

  • What types of brands do you want to support?

It’s important to know where you want your money to go. Do you want to support big fast fashion brands or would you prefer to support smaller businesses or sustainably made companies?

With those questions in mind, you’ll soon become a more mindful shopper.


  • Look for quality over quantity

Train your eyes to see the quality of the fabrics and you’ll automatically buy less.

Sometimes we get caught up by sales but a lot of what we buy is very ordinary. Poor quality fabrics, cheap designs, and so on.

  • Thrift/buy from ethical makers

There are so many wonderful places to find secondhand clothing. And I know that sometimes it’s about convenience buying fast fashion but just be aware of it and try to reduce it. Also, you will have a much more unique style if you shop secondhand!

  • Avoid shopping centers

Avoiding shopping centers removes you from the constant marketing and pressure to buy more.

  • Wait 24 hours before purchasing

Sometimes we get so excited about the idea of buying something new and make a purchase we regret later. My tip for you is to wait 24 hours before making your purchase. You have more time to think about your purchase and avoid making impulsive choices.

  • Try to buy more experiences than things

If you want to gift someone (or treat yourself), rather than buying a physical object, look for an experience like concert tickets, museum passes, a gift card, free lessons, a yoga class, a coffee date or dinner out, or something more thoughtful and personalized. Fill your life with experiences instead of buying more “stuff”.

  • Be willing to pay more sometimes

Sustainable products are more expensive because are usually of better quality and longer-lasting. They are better because they were created with no impact on the environment. Cheap products are low in quality and they are definitely not sustainable.

Do you have any more tips on how to be a mindful shopper? Let me know in the comments! 😊


13 Replies to “How to be a mindful shopper”

  1. Very good. There are some great ideas here

  2. I did go shopping because it was my birthday when you posted this! I wish I read this earlier though lol.

    1. Poojasharmila says: Reply

      This is very thoughtful. Thank you ❤️

  3. Very helpful, thanks.

  4. Rachelle Hollings says: Reply

    Great article. Thank you.

    1. Excellent advice. Common sense, but it really helps to be reminded.

  5. Thanks, that’s smart ideas 🙂

  6. Well written,actually last two months i was a lil kind of bored so o got a new game installed on my pc and i bought 2 new gamepads….just after reaching home,i regretted all of it. If only i have read this earlier. Thanks

  7. Sarita kumari says: Reply

    Where can we buy or sell second hand things..??

    1. There are many places online to shop or sell second hand items. Try Poshmark for clothing. Ebay for everything under the sun. Try Facebook marketplace for buying and selling. Kijiji for all kinds of things and you can buy and sell on it also. Etsy for vintage or homemade products. There are many more I can’t think of right now. It helps to buy locally in many of these places. It is also sustainable because instead of going out and buying brand new you reuse something that has got some life left in it and doesn’t end up in the landfill.

    2. Instagram. There’s a lot of thrift stores there with some really good collection. You can also sell stuff .

    3. This is very good info, I’ll make sure to use this when next i go shopping😄😃😎😜

  8. with fast fashion I learned to buy only good pieces, and to have a minimalist wardrobe. It is important to identify your dress style therefore it avoids compulsive buying, buying good basics and personalizing them according to our tastes … Very good article.

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