What to do on your day-off

It can be hard to take a day off, especially if you’re a student or work from home. It can seem wrong to relax because we think that we are “wasting time”. But I think it’s better to take a day off to relax now and then, instead of working until you’re completely drained physically, mentally, and emotionally.

So, if you’re able to take a day off for yourself when you need it, do it! Here are some things you can do on your day off:

Don’t set the alarm

Wake up naturally. Give your body all the rest he needs. Having a morning free from time restrictions will help you feel refreshed and ready for the day!

Eat a more elaborate breakfast

On workdays, we usually tend to forget breakfast, or we have something very simple and quick. So, plan a nice breakfast for your day off that you really enjoy and normally you don’t have time for.


Don’t open e-mails or spend hours scrolling on social media. Forget all the social media things, you need to prioritize living in the moment.

Declutter your space

On our workdays, we usually don’t have time for this. So, put your favorite playlist on and take some time to clean and declutter your house, it’s very therapeutic as well.

Start a new hobby

Start that thing you’ve always wanted. If you don’t do it now, you never will because you’ll be back to work before you know it. Set yourself a goal to make the first step into starting that new hobby on your next day off.

Binge-watch your favorite TV show

Your day off is a great time to binge-watch some tv shows. It can also take your mind off work for a bit.

Get outside

Don’t spend the entire day stuck inside your house. Spend some time in your garden, at a near park, or go for a walk.

Have a self-care day

Don’t forget this one! Self-care is so important and we tend to forget it on our busy days. Spend your day off taking a long bath, have a face and hair mask, do your nails, whatever feels good for you, do it!

Experiment a new dish

Try to cook a new recipe or try to re-create one of your favorite restaurant dishes. You can also prep your meals for the next workdays.

How do you like to spend your day off? Let me know in the comments 😊



25 Replies to “What to do on your day-off”

  1. Sandy de la cruz says: Reply

    Bailar, cantar, pintar! 🎶💃🌅

    1. Poojasharmila says: Reply

      Trying to do this list 🤍

  2. Yes. That is good plan.💚
    I have been already use the guide line of buddhist . Wonderful. Buddha is really guided person.

  3. Love your article Kati. I’m thinking to try some of them. For me now, I like to declutter during my day off and spend some time to draw and read.

    Have a good day everyone. Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Yes it is very necessary for our busy life…thanks so much

    2. Yo me la paso leo mangas, limpio, canto, dibujo, juego fútbol, juego volleyball, encestó canastas, Leo novelas, leo libros, tomo un baño, edito y subo videos .
      Jajaja ¡diviértete!
      (Hago eso, pero solamente en mis tiempos libres)

  4. Thank you for this post, gonna keep it in mind, greetings from Villavicencio, Colombia.

    1. On my day’s off I spend my day in the Library for some quite reading or drawing and I write down a vision list. De-clutter and donate items I do not need any longer. Walk in the park with my Morkie Lola! Meditate with some tea with a Soy Wax Candle!

      1. We should all practice this well cause in order to keep the best version we need to be really de-stress 😀😀😀😀

  5. Thank you for this article.!

    Nowadays, it is a core thing. You have created the awareness of ‘toxic productivity’.

    Thank you🙏

  6. Your article always gives me a positive energy ❤️
    Thank you 😊

  7. Legal o artigo!! Beijos do Brasil!!

    1. I like to workout after that take a nice shower go shopping and buy mys eff of nice things and just enjoy the day especially if it’s nice outside

      1. Adelaide Meyers says: Reply

        Good post – although I think TV can be as bad as social media.
        Also spending time with friends.

  8. Kamchatka sai siri says: Reply

    Thank you for this plan a lot
    This Sunday I will all the things you said!
    Now I am going to make plan for when I can do these things in that day.😀😀😀
    🤗🤗🤗Your mindset and idea are superb!☺️☺️☺️

    1. I visit my parents and sometimes I walk or knit. Declutter is one of my favorite activities to feel better when I am so stressed. Love this post!

  9. Love the article! And all the comments, full of excellent ideas. Thanks for sharing. I’m planning to take a day off on Friday!

  10. 🥰🥰🥰❣️❣️❣️

  11. Smile.. For the life says: Reply

    Think you for the application… It’s so good and cute 💙💙!

  12. I like to sleep in as long as possible, cuddling my baby. I try to fill the day with music and dancing, while catching up on tasks. A nice long walk is often in the cards.

  13. Nice one, really got me thinking

  14. Gracias por este post, muy a menudo olvidamos tomamos un día para nosotros mismos y la lista que escribiste es muy linda para llevarla a cabo.
    Amo este blog!
    Gracias por compartirlo con la comunidad ❤️🙌🥰

  15. Fasasi Gbemisola says: Reply

    Thanks for this.
    I will try to take a day off sometimes and implement this.

  16. This is what I was looking for!!!

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