The ebook has been released!

Today is the big day!

The ebook is now available!

It’s hard to explain what I feel after launching this ebook. Excitement, joy, fear, anxiety, but, even more, hope that this book will help everyone who reads it.

Thank you to each and every one of you for all the sweet messages, for the constant support, and for always believing in me.

You can buy the eBook here 🙂

Much love,

Kati 🖤

19 Replies to “The ebook has been released!”

  1. Shahd Mohamed says: Reply

    I’m very lucky to find u in my life
    Thanks fir helping me everyday♥️

    1. And I’m lucky for you ❤️

      1. I want to buy this book or take pdf for it ,please

    2. Amazing!! I’m really excited to read it!
      Just a question, it is just ebook or is there a possibility/forecast of it in physical form?
      Just for a matter of preference hehe ♥♥

      1. Sinthiya Akter says: Reply

        Thank you so much! your app is amazing, it’s really very helpful❤️

    3. Congratulations 🎉 👏.. wish you all the best in your life … .please can you talk about ying and yong ..feminity power to be more feminine i think as a women in our daily life we’re just focused in our work ,tasks and so on we don’t see ourself as a ladies so if you can talk about it or suggest books I would be so grateful 💌

  2. Natalie Gallant says: Reply

    Looking forward to this! Your app is amazing.

    1. Thank you so much! 😊

  3. You deserve all the joy of success that you offer everyone through your apps. Good for you!!

    1. You’re so kind! Thank you ❤️

      1. Congratulations on being a published author! May you be prolific in your sales, and in publishing future books.
        Brightest Blessings!

    2. Apps is not for anyone we had a great time 😊 And that’s what is perfect for me and my family ❤️

    1. Paul Paschalis says: Reply

      Hi Kati
      How can I purchase one

      1. Kati Pereira says: Reply

        It’s available only in digital format on Amazon, so I suggest you install the kindle app for easier access.
        You can order it here:

        1. Lochin Baweja says: Reply

          By when will we get to read the free version of this blog?

        2. Congratulations 🎉🎉your app is amazing ❤

  4. I’m so excited to read your book.

  5. Challange Accepter

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