Why and how you should start journaling

The benefits of starting a journal are endless. In these times it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed and journaling can really have amazing benefits on your life if you start doing daily.

The better part is that there are no rules when it comes to journaling. You’re allowed to write mistakes, grammatical errors, and a not-so-pretty font.  Just let your hand flow freely. The point of journaling is to express yourself in a carefree and honest way. Give yourself permission to journal however you need to!

There are lots of benefits about journaling:

✨ You can start processing your emotions, thoughts, and feelings better

It’s helpful writing down how your feelings, give you more time to think things over and processing those emotions. It can also help you with problem-solving by processing pros and cons and/or brainstorming to generate solutions that can help to clear out the clutter in your mind so your subconscious can think it through more clearly!

✨You start learning a lot about yourself

It’s a great way to tune into your intuition and gain insight into yourself. It’s a great self-discovery practice! Is a judgment-free zone to write about who you are and the things that are important to you. Journaling can also lead to new ideas forming, creativity sparking, and inspiration in general

✨You can look back and see your progress whenever you want

✨More gratitude and appreciation for the little things

✨Better mental health

✨Increased mindfulness

✨Improves your mood

And the list goes on.

How to make journaling a daily habit?

⭐ You’ll need a place to actually keep your journaling. Here are some of my favorite amazon journals:

The Five-Minute Journal: A Happier You in 5 Minutes a Day – Simple Daily Guided Format – Increase Gratitude & Happiness, Life Planner, Gratitude List

Daily Affirmation Journal with Prompts – Cultivate Positivity, Mindfulness, Happiness – 6-month Inspirational Journal

Lined Journal Notebook, Hard Cover

Ruled Notebook/Journal – Lined Journal, Hardcover, Back Pocket

Basics Classic Lined Notebook, Hardcover, Ruled

⭐ Don’t worry about the fact it’s not the beginning of the year or a new month. Start from today.

⭐ Make journaling a part of your daily routine.

⭐ Do not edit. Keep in mind your writing is only for you.

⭐ Journal at the same time every day. It’ll make consistent journaling much easier! Once you’re in the habit, you’re set!

⭐ Find a place to journal with minimal distractions.

⭐ Date each entry.

⭐ Give yourself permission to miss a day or two.

How to start journaling:

Hopefully, by now I’ve convinced you that journaling is a life-changing habit and you’re ready to get started!

The best way to start journaling is to just begin. Start writing how’re you feeling at the moment, what’s worrying you, whatever is on your mind write.  Don’t overthink it just keep writing. You can also have more structured pages if you prefer, like morning pages, gratitude lists, writing down about your day or your goals for the next one, to-do lists, self-discovery questions. The ideas are endless.

So, what do you think of journaling? Do you journal regularly? And what benefits have you experienced from journaling? I would love to know!


16 Replies to “Why and how you should start journaling”

  1. I have been starting my days with meditation followed by journaling most mornings for some time now. I start my journaling with an inspirational quote from Dr. Dyer (currently), then I write whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it’s what’s going on or something that just happened. Often it’s things I’m grateful for, affirmations, “I am” statements, and other positive messages.
    I love starting my day in quiet, peaceful reflection. I feel more at peace in my life since I’ve started my days this way.

    1. Ashley LaDawn Whitmer says: Reply

      I love journaling, mentally it makes me feel better about myself & my mental health is a ehole lot better than it has ever been in my life!!! I don’t let all my positive & negative emotions build up inside me I can actually get it out without having to let it all build up inside me!!!!

  2. I used to write journal in classic form, also in form of vizualization, gratitude and affirmation… I stopped, I can’t remember why… So, yes, you have inspired me to start doing it again, and there is no better time than now 😊. Thank you 🙏

  3. I have a manifestation journal also but I think for the next few weeks it will just be the basic journaling to clear my head. Then back to my manifestation journal.

  4. I have just got myself a lined note book as a journa . I am excited to getting to know myself better

  5. I use to journal everyday. I stopped when I married my 1st husband in fear of him reading my thoughts….obviously weren’t good about him. I’ve been saying I’m going to do so again and finally have started. I have a brain that doesn’t stop, it has taking a huge load off since I’ve started again. I typically write to Jesus so I can be in prayer and repentance as well as praiseworthy for my everyday life. I can’t do life on my own, I need His help everyday, throughout my day and this helps me immensely!!!


    2. February 2022: The day is dawning in my window and I just read about journaling.

      This is what I did in my teens, I wrote several and made them my closest and most trusted friends. When I got married, I tore them all up, burned them and blew the ashes in the wind wishing my words would win the world, something I couldn’t do at that time.

      Unbelievably many years later, here I am faced with the need to go back to writing as a way to slow down my mind and reorder my Life goals: and they remain very similar to my long-haired, lost-eyed girl somewhere far away.

      It’s time to give vent to what I think, feel and am.

      Gratitude for touching my soul on this day that is born and opens up endless possibilities for me.

      1. Thanks for this post. I do write things down but I miss out on days at times I want to be more intentional about it and your post has stirred up the determination to do so and as I type this message I have resolved to keep at it and be more consistent. Thank you!

  6. I started writing my diary two years ago and I have not been able to stop writing since that time it is my secret place and thanks for the wonderful posts

  7. Yes, actually i agree with this aim to make a blog for us. So, i free to journaling and share the experience 🙂

  8. I have been journaling for like 4-5 months now, obviously not each and every day. I journal random things 🤭. I have got soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many benefits from journaling like, even I am stressed out whole day when I journal I feel relaxed and happy. There are many benefits of journaling it improves your mood, you will be happy most of the times and…… I am not going to spoil the benefits for you. Try it out for 1 week and you will see the difference.☺️☺️

  9. I will start but see my problem is I tend to start and stop doing things even if I like them smh I have no idea why my mind is like a scrambled egg if that makes any sense🥺

  10. Just don’t give up if you miss a day, a week, a month, or even longer..! If you think of it again, give it another try!! Sometimes it takes a while to really notice the benefits of a new habit 🙃😉

  11. I have been journaling using your app and I love it!

  12. So true.

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