Time flew and it’s already the end of the year! It’s time to pack up your mistakes, problems, negativity, and pain, along with the old you and ship them off to where the past exists. The new you is arriving to grow, and accept new challenges, new gifts, and new chances.
Walk into 2023 with a clear heart and mind. Let this next year be the year. Let this be the year you go after courage. Don’t hold yourself back. Allow yourself to dream, to chase what you want. Let this be the year you take those deeper breaths, and say “yes” more often. Go after opportunities. Challenge yourself.
Enter the new chapter being grateful for this year. Past years enabled you to reach today. Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future. This year, you’ve been thought a lot. There’s been ups and downs but you’re still here. You’re still able to learn, grow, smile, and count blessings. So just appreciate and thank everyone and everything that’s still in your life.
A new season is coming. Turning pages. Ending chapters. Counting down the last seconds before a new year. Closing books. Changing seasons and setting suns. Letting go. Embracing what is to come. Change is what makes a difference. Change is what makes life.
Reflecting on the ups and downs of this year is a mindfulness practice that helps you stay positive and track growth.
You can do this reflection by taking time to think or write down your thoughts in a journal.
End-of-Year Reflection Ideas:
- How would you describe this year with a single word?
- Big accomplishments;
- Big disappointments and what did you learn from them?
- Major life changes;
- Biggest obstacle;
- Best memories;
- What is a good habit that you build this year?
- Things you achieved this year;
- What happened this year that you are thankful for?
- What are you most excited about for this upcoming year?
- What things do you want to achieve in the next year?
- Areas you want to improve;
- How to make the next year even better?
With these reflections, you’re already off to a great start!
Keep in mind that everything is possible and that you are strong and capable of achieving everything you want.
Make this year your best year yet! Sending you so much love and a happy new year! ❤
Love this thank you and happy new year.
Feliz año nuevo 🤍
Binecuvântări și îmbrățișări de la mine pentru tine! Curaj și încredere! Credință și pace! Înțelepciune și Iubire! Și desigur toate cele ce îți pot face Sufletul împlinit și fericit! Maria
Interesant cum telefonul a ales să scrie cuvântul ‘ritm’! Eu scrisesem ‘Pace’! 🙂
GREAT POST !! It really gets the gears turning. Full of inspiration
Feliz ano novo ❤️
Amazing! It really hit the spot, thank you💐
Thank you for this and Happy New Year Everyone!
Thank you it was so energetic to start 2023 with…….. Positive energy 🌻 Happy New year everyone 🌈
Happy new year 💟💟💟💟
Happy new year 🎇
Thank you so much. Happy new year ❤️❤️
Thank you for the insights.
Thank.you for sharing i am.happy that i find this app this app is helpful.to me