The Importance Of Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone – make fear your best friend

We all encounter fear in our journeys. It’s an unavoidable part of the human experience. But fear actually means you’re doing something right.

If you’re feeling fear you’re on the right path. We don’t feel fear in our comfort zone, we feel it when we’re taking big risks and opportunities and making hard choices.

It’s so easy to stay in our comfort zone and do the same things every day. But, deep down, we all know that there is a huge world out there to explore, so many experiences to be had, and so many goals to achieve. But we have to get out of our comfort zone to do that.

Try to let go of what others think and just do what you want, stop letting the fear and anxiety you’re feeling hold you back. Take risks. Picture yourself doing what scares you. See yourself on the other side of your fear, feeling proud of yourself.

Getting out of your comfort zone is going to allow you to experience new things and find confidence in yourself. You are going to open yourself to opportunities that you never had before.

Tips on how to get out of your comfort zone:

  • Try a new type of exercise
  • Go to a new restaurant
  • Read different books
  • Take a different route to school/work
  • Learn something new
  • Go on a date alone
  • Change your hairstyle
  • Cook a new meal
  • Compliment a stranger
  • Get to know someone new
  • Start a blog
  • Apply for that dream job
  • Call an old friend
  • Make plans for the weekend
  • Volunteer
  • Set a new goal

Start with small things that get you out of your comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be something huge.

Shift your mindset – Some of the most common fears are change, failure, uncertainty, rejection, and judgment. But if you allow fear to hold you back you’ll miss out on the opportunities that life provides you. Instead, embrace fear as a natural feeling that arises when you’re taking risks to build a life you love. Welcome the fear as a reminder that you’re pushing your boundaries and that you’re on the right path.

Make fear your best friend – Fear will never disappear from your life. Let fear be there—and then do the hard things anyway. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

Doing the same thing over and over will not make you change and grow.  You must risk failure – failures, and challenges are your best teachers.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary but it’s worth it! Is an important and almost universal factor in personal growth.

Life is too short not to take risks.

To make the most of your life, you must have new and exciting experiences.

Hope this post gives you some motivation to do new and exciting things! 🌼🌟

12 Replies to “The Importance Of Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone – make fear your best friend”

  1. Just what I needed, thank you😊

  2. Anubhuti Tripathi says: Reply

    Thank you writer 🫰🌸

  3. Thanks for your words 🙏

  4. Belinda Zawandah says: Reply

    I am so motivated😇

  5. Happy yo find You❤️

  6. A very inspiring words, that show the positive side of the fear, & how can I use it positively.
    May Allah bless you

  7. this is something that I’ve experienced my whole life and now I’m moving slowly out of my comfort zone and experiencing new things. Thank you for always be here to comfort us.

  8. Thank you❤️🙏

    1. Love ur thoughts!!! It is really helpful.

  9. I am so thankful that I always get to read you…I was having the exact same feeling of fear..and through my experience I have come to know that I get this feeling when a change happens.But after this phase passes, life seems better ina way that I am grateful and thankful for things.

    Thank you so much for this blog.
    Keep writing.
    I ll definitely share your page and app!.
    Please let me know if I can help you out in sometime in return for this.

  10. Judgmental, what other will think? what if I did wrong? people laughs on me…..This are self made barrier that always stopped me to do something new, leading to lose opportunities to excel and trumps on the fears…I am glad that i am not the alone who feel same, as writer rightly motioned, to get over this things really we have to make fear as our best friend, and its my personnel experience that fear is there until we didn’t do that thing, after that it will be the easiest thing in the world..
    Thank you so much for each blog.
    keep spreading positivity like this

  11. Thank you..This is just what I needed. Fear is my friend😀

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