There are moments in everyone’s life when it seems that everything falls apart. It is a part of living, and it is by going through these difficult, tough times that we are able to grow as human beings.
I wrote this post for anyone who is going through a difficult time and I really hope that these words can help you find some strength to get through this tough time in your life. Or at the very least offer you some comfort. Life can sometimes feel too difficult, too overwhelming, and unfair but whatever it is that you are going through right now, regardless of how low and defeated you may feel, I want you to know that this is not the end. Life has so much in store for you.
It’s okay to not be okay all the time
What you’re feeling is valid. The pain that you’re feeling is valid. All the emotions are valid. And it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel. Being vulnerable it’s not a sign of weakness, it’s an act of courage. You don’t have to keep pushing your emotions and feelings aside. Know that it’s completely okay for you to not have it all together all the time.
You’re not alone
Remember, no matter what you’re going through, you’re not alone. Share what you’re feeling, reach out for help and you’ll see that there are so many people in your situation. And somebody will care about you. Somebody will listen and is going to be by your side.
Spend time with yourself and reflect
Find comfort in being alone and spend that time in reflection without any judgment. Ask yourself “What can I learn from this moment?”, “How can I grow through this?”.
Everything happens for a reason. Even if it’s just a lesson to learn and grow into a better person.
Express gratitude
Sometimes, it’s so easy to focus solely on the negative things that are happening right this moment that we cannot see all the good things we do have. Even when you are experiencing a tough time in your life, there is something to be grateful for in those moments as well. Every painful experience will become a stronger you.
Everything will be okay
Nothing in life is permanent. Tough times never last forever. Whatever it is that you’re feeling now, you don’t have to feel this way for the rest of your life. You have the power to change it. Your present situation doesn’t have to be your final destination. Also, time heals, always.
Every struggle is an opportunity for growth
Struggles, difficulties, and experiences are needed in order for us to grow, in order for us to succeed, become a better version of ourselves, and become the person we are meant to be.
Each adversity that we face teaches us a lesson. They prepare us for the next step that we need to take to achieve our greatest purpose.
“If you’re struggling, you deserve to make self-care a priority. Whether that means lying in bed all day, eating comfort food, crying, sleeping, rescheduling plans, watching your favorite tv show, or doing nothing at all — give yourself permission to put your healing first. Quiet the voice telling you to do more and be more, and today, whatever you do, let it be enough. Feel your feelings, breathe, and be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge that you’re doing the best you can to cope and survive. And trust that during this time of struggle, it’s enough.”
You can still achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. You are strong enough to pass this. You can still be happy. Take it one day at a time, take one step at a time and you will get there. Keep going, keep believing in yourself, and know that you are enough.
You can do this and I believe in you ❤️
Tellement vrai… Merci beaucoup pour cet article de qualité une fois de plus !!
Thank you, needed that.
Thank you for sharing. I got this. 💕💕
Thank you so much for every post! I feel so exhausted right now and then i read your blog an i feel way better… Your tips are so helpful and made by love, I am going to use them next week!
Reading that article is just what I needed at this time.. thank u 💕✨
These words made me relax and be grateful to myself, thanks 🌹🌹
Thank you! Sometimes I wonder if my spirit guides are speaking to you directly to pour out some much needed words of inspiration at the appropriate time 💞🙏💫
Thanks! Good reminder of how to curb the negative. Very affirming ❤
I hope I can cope with stress and become a strong person close to god
Positive words. I like. And remember to take leaves out of your own blog when feeling 😟😖😐😥
Your advices are so true and good that it can be applied to anyone
Your words are spot-on. Thank you for listening to your inner spirit and writing your thoughts down to share! ♥️
Thank you loveee❤
Thank you for all your advice. I am definitely going to follow through with the advice and hope to stop with my anxiety and my feeling of being a failure to life.
Love it.. Thank you..
Thank you 💜🌸 I needed this
Omg, I can’t thank you enough for this post!!💜💕
Felt that feeling of relieve after reading this
“Is okay not to be okay all the time” very motivating. Thanks for sharing
Thank you ao much it was a perfect article it make me felling easy just woow bless you hope to you a good rest ✨💜good luck to all guys
Words do can heal and words like yours made me feel understood. Thank you so much for sharing the positivity,thank you for the healing advice.
This is actually coming at the right time for I need this . Thanks so much for this ❤️♥️❤️
Wow. This is very inspiring and soothing. I really needed this one right now. Thanks for this. So much grateful 🙏
I am going through a horrible time like in a survival mode. All thebad things in my past is coming up in y conscious and not to hold on anymore. Dont know what to do so down and depressed 😞 😪 😔
Thank you ♥
Love It, Thank you
Thank you, I needed to here all of that. I
try a little bit everyday and when one little thing happens I am right back in to the Kaos I created. But after reading this a few times I now know I can step away from those feelings of negativity. 😊
Thank you do much for this healing of minds.
Thank you so much
I really needed such words
Muchas gracias por estas palabras , me han venido en un momento en que las necesito.🙏🤗