Overcoming Fear and Insecurity

Learning how to overcome fear and insecurity – whether external, internal, or subconscious – can sound intimidating, but I’ve found a few mindset shifts that empower you to stop being scared and create change within your life. Fear and insecurity are common emotional states that can significantly impact our lives. They can prevent us from a lot of opportunities and from achieving our goals. However, fear and insecurity are not permanent states, and it is possible to overcome them. This post will focus on tackling subconscious fears, no matter what fears you’re currently working through, and I hope that you find some of the support you’re seeking.

Do not compare yourself

One of the biggest reasons people struggle with insecurity is because we constantly compare ourselves to others. Nowadays, this comparison is even bigger because of social media. It’s easy to forget that others’ social media isn’t a true representation of their lives. There will always be someone else who appears smarter, better looking, or more successful. If you base your worth on how you measure up to others, you will always be left feeling insufficient and discontented. You have your own strengths, your own beauty, ideas, and dreams.

We all have our own strengths

Don’t dwell on your weaknesses; start to focus on your strengths. What are you good at? What do you love?
Everyone has strengths. It doesn’t matter what it is, everyone is good at something. When you learn to accept yourself as you are, life begins to change drastically. You find you are exactly who you were meant to be and you don’t have to change yourself to have a fulfilling life.

Positive self-talk

You aren’t going to become confident and overcome your fears and insecurities if you are continually telling yourself you are ugly, incompetent, not worthy, or that you can’t do anything. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones. You can read this post all about “Reframing negative thought patterns”.

Ditch the comfort zone

It’s so important to challenge yourself and get outside of your comfort zone. Just take action, the best way to get rid of your fear is to just go headfirst into it, don’t think about anything, and just take that bold step towards your goals/dream. And if you fail along the way then it is part of the process, at least you will learn from it instead of regretting it in the future.

Practice mindfulness
Focusing on the present moment can help you feel more in control and less anxious about the future.

Professional help 

It is important to note that everyone experiences fear and insecurity differently and what works for one person might not work for another. Seeking professional help if needed, can be helpful in managing these emotions.


Meditation is a great tool that you can use to overcome fear. There are many types of meditation out there. The simplest one is just to focus on slow, deep breaths inward into the belly and expel outward. It’s a great way to train your mind to return to the present moment.

Create a success list

Write down all the events and circumstances you have successfully handled in the past. Continue to record events that you achieve. Read this list whenever you start doubting yourself.  

This practice will provide your mind with the evidence that you can take action, handle circumstances, and in turn, will increase your confidence.

Overcoming fear and insecurity can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right mindset. Remember, it’s natural to feel insecure or fearful at times, and it’s okay to not have all the answers or know what the future holds. But it’s not okay when these emotions prevent us from living the life of our dreams.

12 Replies to “Overcoming Fear and Insecurity”

  1. Thanks, it helped me….😊

    1. شكرا شكرا شكرا شكرا
      الحمد لله والشكر لله
      قرأت هذا المنشور بتمعن من قلبي وأحسست بالتغيير الداخلي حتى التنفس اصبح اكثر عمق الحمد لله
      استمريي بنشر هذه النصائح والجمل المفيدة والصريحة والقوي❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  2. Thank you so much 😊😊

  3. Thanku so much for keeping me and all other people motivated

  4. Big difference when you remember:
    I may fail, but that does not mean I am a failure. And actually failure along the way will teach you so much more about whatever you are trying to do than if everything goes smoothe. You have a deeper understanding and appreciation for what you have had to learn along the way. Its so valuable. That also prevents you from thinking you are better than others.

    1. I love you

  5. It was a great experience with you thank you for such a wonderful motivation. 😊

  6. Thank you for the encouragement and the strength much needed ❣️
    Keep soaring high❣️

  7. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

  8. I need it right now, i feel insecure today that i think i have to change a lot on myself. Buying beauty products that will help to boost my confidence but today i learned that you will only have confidence if and only if – you accept your true self and be yourself no matter what other people tells . As long as you feel it’s you and you’re doing it for your self. 🤍

  9. This touched me deeply and hit all the right spots to have hope and keep moving forward.. I love you and thankyouuuu ❤️

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