How to stay motivated to study/work from home

It has definitely been a strange time for us all and it can be really hard finding the motivation to study or work in these crazy times. I thought about writing this post because recently most people are working/studying from home.  Sure, on one hand, it’s great. You have flexibility and comfort. On the other hand, it requires lots of self-discipline.

So today I want to share all my best tips for working or studying remotely so it no longer feels overwhelming! These are some things that have really helped me since I’ve been stuck inside for almost a year now. I think they’ll also really help you too!

🚶‍♂️ Create habits and routines

Create some habits and routines that help you have some semblance of a normal day! For example, if you always made your coffee, or took a walk before leaving home for work or school, keep doing it despite being at home. Just keep doing simple tasks, they can really help you feel like you’re having a normal working/studying routine.

🛀 Get ready for the day

Related to my first tip, try to add some normality to your day-to-day. Don’t stay in pajamas all day, take a shower, wash your face, put on some comfy clothes, and get ready. You’ll feel much fresher and energized!

✔️ Make a list of to-dos every day

This one is actually a really helpful one. If you have a clear view of what you need to work on, then you can plan your time around those tasks. And it can be really satisfying to mark “check” as you complete the tasks on your to-do list. This should keep you motivated because personally, I think it’s such a good feeling.

⌛ Set yourself a time schedule

This helps reduce procrastination. Break your work/studying into smaller time slots. Knowing that you only have to do 30 minutes, for example, before you get a little break, you’ll have more motivation to work hard and to be productive. After that time slot, give yourself a little break to eat, go outside and get fresh air, play with your pet, catch up with your family. Then you go back to your work feeling more energized.

🍃 Get outside and get active

Obviously, if you can! Fresh air helps your mind focus so much. Go for a walk before work, the fresh morning air is so revitalizing! Or do some yoga, stretch, or do your favorite workout after your workday or lunch break. Getting outside and staying active can reset your mind, and definitely helps with working at home.

📵 Unplug

Keep your phone away while you’re working. Disable notifications and put your phone in silence. Turn off the television and put on some background music if it helps you feel more focused.

🥗 Get a good night’s sleep, drink water, and eat well

Try to keep a sleep routine. Wake up and go to bed at the same time as if you had to go to work/school. You’ll feel more refreshed and therefore more energy/motivation to work. Stay hydrated, always keep the water bottle close to you. And don’t skip meals, your body needs “fuel” to function well. Eat nutrient-rich foods to help your concentration.

I hope these tips are somewhat helpful for you at this time!

Do you work/study from home?

Please share your best tip to stay motivated in the comments below!



19 Replies to “How to stay motivated to study/work from home”

  1. Hi,
    Love your good and positive vibes. Thank you for writing this blog post.
    Remain blessed

  2. Just what I needed to start off my day ..thanks

    1. Thanks😃💖

  3. Thank you for your tips and your positive energy !

  4. Roberta Brito says: Reply

    Nice tips. Thanks for sharing. Roberta (Manaus/Brazil) 😍

    1. Av Mohan Rao says: Reply

      The tips are very useful. They lay focuss on a deciplined life. Very nice to note that I am following exactly many of them. Thank you.

    2. Awesome reminders and some right on new ideas….. working at home hasn’t worked for me so far… I’ll keep trying, 🤗
      Thank you for this helpful blogspot.

      1. This is really motivated me so far! I hope i can do the exactly things that you have mentioned in this blog, and could’ve change into a better and productive person ❤️
        P.s : I’m trying to be productive on 2021 ✌️


  5. Great tips! Most of us know these things in theory, but this is a great reminder. Thanks I needed this! 😃

  6. Dianne Alamani says: Reply

    Thanks for reminding us! It really helpful. 🥰

  7. U r doing really a great work…….🙌🏻happy to read ur blogs 🤗

    thanks for motivating all of us during this hard time🥳

  8. I’m starting a stretch 20 minutes or so in the morning. It gives me a chance to clear away all the stresses I took to bed and woke up with. Sitting all day shrinks my hamstrings so I need to prevent any injury/ back pain/ knee pain as well. Bonus: the cats love this time with me on the floor.

  9. Jessica Faith McMillan says: Reply

    Great advice. Step by step, I visualized myself doing all these things, and I do them BUT only for 3- 4 days. I definitely need to do this throughout all 5 week days and stsy disciplined!
    Any advice for weekends?

  10. Thankyou for the tips

  11. Thank you! 💚✨

    1. Belinda Zawandah says: Reply

      Many thnks for your tips! that was really useful im not there yet but im trying 1 step at a time😃

  12. Thanks for this

  13. Hi Jessica,
    In weekend you don’t have office work so you can do whatever “YOU” like :). for example do dance workout instead or regular exercise, give a time to your hobbies and creativity, cook your favorite meal, take some extra care of your plants and pets.
    And most important pamper yourself! The weekend is all yours… so do some skin care, or hair care etc…
    Hope it helps!

  14. as a matter of fact , i am learning english from home and these habits that you have shared with us are very useful thanks for remind us how to stay motivated.

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