Why do we put other people’s needs before our own?
Sometimes we just need to focus on ourselves. So how can we become more selfish and put ourselves first? I think we live in a society where we look at self-care and look after ourselves as being selfish in a bad way. Selfishness is coined as a bad word in our society. When we hear that word, we think of someone who is a bad person. But selfishness isn’t what people think it is. It isn’t being so concerned about yourself that you treat others badly. It is about not completely neglecting yourself. Is about taking care of yourself first and then taking care of others. Here are some ways to be selfish (to be more selfless):
Stop saying “yes” to things that you don’t want to
When you keep doing things that do not bring you joy, you are just constantly punishing yourself. There is nothing wrong to say “no” to the things that don’t you happy. Are you doing things just because society or social media are telling you to? Start putting yourself first by really thinking about the things you are being asked to do. If you are just doing it for pleasing other people just stop.
Start something new
Start that thing you’ve always dreamed about. Have you always wanted to start learning a new instrument? A new sport? Travel? Had a business idea? Whatever it is you need to go for it. Put your dreams first and don’t let anything get in the way. That’s the whole point of being more selfish. Start putting yourself first so you can be happier and live your dream life.
Say “thank you” when someone compliments you
Why would you deny that you aren’t great at something? Or beautiful? Most people are terrible at taking compliments. We are more comfortable talking about our weaknesses than our strengths. The reason for this is that we don’t want others to think we are bragging and not like us. But you know what? It’s actually quite refreshing to hear someone accepting a compliment. We need to learn how to highlight our strengths and not be afraid of accepting them.
The next time someone compliments you, be enough selfish to take that compliment with a humble and powerful “thank you”.
Take care of yourself in order to help others
You need to take care of yourself first. It’s so important taking care of your needs so that you have something to give to other people. If your needs aren’t fulfilled, then you won’t have anything to give anyone.
Believe in yourself
You have to truly believe it in your heart and practice it daily. Make it a priority little by little, believe in yourself, and truly feel it.
Speak kindly to yourself
This is so important. The way you speak and treat yourself matters the most. Speak to yourself as if you are speaking to someone you really care about, respect, and love. Don’t let anyone fool you, you are already enough.
Be your own best friend
If you’re constantly telling yourself what you’re doing wrong or what you’re not doing good enough, you’re never going to be proud of anything that you accomplished. You are the only person who’s going to be in your life forever. You’ll never go to be able to feel complete fulfillment or complete joy if you can’t be kind to yourself.
Being selfish doesn’t mean you’re forgetting about others, it’s about making yourself a priority. You are just letting yourself become a better version of yourself so you can do more for others.
So tell me, how can you make yourself a priority today?
See you in the next week 💕
Exciting News!
Just to let you know that the paperback version of my book (Own Your Life) is now available on Amazon!
Now you can buy it in physical or digital versions.
Thank you to each and every one of you for the constant support, and for always believing in me ❤️
You can buy the Book here 🙂
Si que me cuesta ser egoísta, excelentes tips, los tendré en cuenta y pondré en práctica.
Gracias por compartir!
Yes I have to be selfish and take care of myself so I decided tomorrow when I wake up first I will take a bath put make-up get well dressed and make my facial scrub every morning then I will start my household chores hope this works. Thanks for reminding us
This is so true, thank you for writing this.
Yes we have come to take the word “selfish” out of content at times.
We think if we take the time to think about ourselves and focus on ourselves we are bad people or doing something wrong because people don’t like it, or label it as being self centered, conceit for taking time to put ourselves first before others. But aren’t we being selfish to ourselves not to think about ourselves and about what we need and want and makes us happy and brings us joy?
We will life a lifetime pleasing others and putting others needs before ourselves and neglect ourselves to the point we don’t even know who we are anyone.
Last night I was thinking to myself before I even read this article that I was going to start this month anew putting myself and my needs before others. First making me happy and enjoying life again doing the this I love and enjoy again that I have neglected because I’m too busy doing for others
This article today came as my confirmation that I’m making a great decision for my life right now.
Thank you again!
I make myself priority By reading this post today. thanks for the post it boost my energy. we get a clarity where to put my energy.
Thanks for sharing