How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is something that we all have in common and we all need to overcome.  And sometimes we miss out on a lot of opportunities because our ego is trying to keep us “safe” in our comfort zone. 

But you should always run towards your goals and dreams. And you should start now if you can. Not tomorrow, not next Monday, not next month, or waiting until New Year’s Eve. I know that It’s easier to wait for the “perfect” time, which never comes because it doesn’t exist.

It’s uncomfortable and unknown but we have to do it. And when you try, you may fail. And it’s completely normal. You just have to be persistent.

So, in this post, I decided to share some tips on how to overcome the fear of failure:

Define your goal: What is your goal?  What do you want to accomplish and why?

This is what pushes you forward when the obstacles show up, are your drive and ambition. I suggest you write down your why. Let your why push you through your fears and keep running after your goal.  

Identify your fear:  Try to understand the root of this fear. It’s about your self-doubt? What do people think? Scared of change? Write down everything without any judgment.

Change your mindset: Change your mindset with positive things. If you start believing in yourself, you will achieve your goals! Believe in yourself that you can, and you will. Visualize the outcome in a positive way.

Take action: Step out of your comfort zone and conquer your fear. You’ll feel so good and proud of yourself. Just don’t think about anything. Take that bold step towards your dream and if you fail along the way then it is part of the process. And I’m sure you’ll learn from it and do it better the next time. Let’s make our dreams come true!

Failure is normal: It happens to all of us. It’s part of life. Not always we will have what we want the way we have planned it. And that’s totally fine! You always learn something with a failure, you learn what you should or shouldn’t do about something, you learn how to react to a certain situation. You learn that you can’t give up when you want something. Our failures teach us the most vital lessons.

Don’t compare: Stop comparing your life to other people’s lives.  You’ll feel so much inspired and free! Someone’s journey has nothing to do with you. Stop feeling scared that you’re not where they are, or not going to be as good as them. You have your own path and your own gifts. 

Remember that all you need is to believe in yourself and you’ll achieve anything! No matter what happens, the important thing is trying and learning from our mistakes.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post! So, tell me, what do you do to overcome the fear of failure?

17 Replies to “How to Overcome the Fear of Failure”

  1. Elizabeth Saxon says: Reply

    Holistic health is so important. I believe all answers go back to the Earth

    1. Thank you for your insight.

    2. So true!

  2. Your blogs are always amazing and inspired from it.
    I want you to write something about how can someone remove the thought of show off to someone else on achieving goals as from childhood our minds are set like this.

  3. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I appreciate it 🙂

    1. Thanks for reading it ❤️

  4. I love this post, it inspire me to believed in myself.

  5. This post is Amazing I found it very helpful as I sometime doubt myself

  6. This is really good I need more blogs like that.

  7. Please Keep this Up this really helped me. Thank you

  8. Raashee Gupta says: Reply

    I loved the blog and it did inspired me a lot !!! Thanks a lot

    1. Just what I needed to read. Thank you for this post

    2. Thank you so much for the sweet comment ❤️

    3. Thank you 🙂

  9. Thanks for your sharing! This blog inspired me a lot. Have a nice day !

    1. Thanks for reading it ❤️

  10. I’m afraid to be judged I want everything to be perfect and I want to be perfect tho I know there’s nothing perfect in existence.

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