Simple ways to “Glow Up” in 2021

Let’s talk about how you can “Glow Up” in 2021 from the inside out.

Glowing up it’s when you dedicate a little more time to yourself, focus on improving your wellness, health, and all your surroundings to feel your absolute best. And I’m not talking about only physical transformations, which can be nice, but I’m talking about the internal kind. The glow up that counts happen on the inside.

These are some little goals and habits you can work on throughout the year. It takes practice, patience, and consistency.

Stop comparing yourself

The first step for glowing up is loving your body the way it is. Accepting who you are without comparing with anyone.

Have a mantra for the year

Mantra it’s a word or a sentence that reflects your goals, intentions, aspirations. And truly, anything can be your mantra. Some examples are:

“I will appreciate more and complain less.”
“I will embrace the present moment.”
“I will not judge, not even myself.”
“I will be thankful for everything.”

Say no to things that don’t make you happy

Obviously, sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do, but when possible decline what you don’t enjoy. Life is too short to spend time doing things you hate.

Go to bed early and wake up early (if possible)

Establishing a healthy sleep routine is so important for your wellbeing.

Less is more

Appreciate what you have now instead of always looking for the next purchase. Your bank account will thank you for that.

Celebrate your small accomplishments

Remember that our small wins are just as important as big wins and should be celebrated too.

Meditate every day

Meditation is so good for both your mental and physical health. If you’re still learning, try a guided meditation, you find lots of them for free on apps or Youtube.

Say bye to toxic people

Be around or follow people who are uplifting and that you can learn from them. Cut that person that is always complaining, criticizing, or taking without giving anything back.

Apologize when you’re wrong

Life is too short for dramas. If you know you’re wrong, apologize. The other person will appreciate it and be able to move on more easily.

Declutter regularly

Be very intentional about what you buy and what you keep in your home. Donate or sell what you no longer use.

Practice gratitude daily

Taking time to appreciate all the good things in your life is so important to improve your mood and happiness.

Stay hydrated

We all know the major effects overall on our skin health and health in general. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

Learn to stretch or do yoga regularly

Yoga and stretching is a great way to release any stresses or tensions from the day. Exercising helps you feel better and healthier because of the improved blood flow to your brain.

Be there for your friends and family when they need you

Be there for your friends and loved ones when they’re going through a hard time. Always have their back. Express gratitude towards them. We all need this more than ever.

Give out compliments often

Spread kindness and positivity. You might make someone’s day.

Spend time on your hobbies

Hobbies are so important and can be a great source of relaxation and enjoyment.

Read at least one book every month.

It’s a great way to expand your knowledge for a mental glow up.

Eat foods that nourish your body

If you want a glow up, eating balanced meals that nourish your body is key. It’s about eating food that makes you feel good and helps you to glow from the inside out.

Schedule regular self-care time

To take the best possible care of your health, aim to make self-care become part of your daily routine.

Ask for help when you need it.

Sometimes we feel like we have to figure it all out ourselves, but it’s ok to ask for help when we need it.

Learn a new skill/hobby

Learn something you’ve always wanted to. Join a class, do an online course, or simply use YouTube.

I hope you got some inspiration for ways to glow up every aspect of your life. I wish you a healthy and happy 2021 😊

56 Replies to “Simple ways to “Glow Up” in 2021”

  1. I red many of your posts and I find them very helpful. I will try to follow your advices and become a new person! Thank you for your time and work!

    1. Thank you for reading it 😊

      1. Dr Sarita Aarse PT says: Reply

        Thanks for sharing this blog will try to apply to glow from inside out

      2. Good to get a summary of what we all already know…
        But are too lazy to implement..

      3. Thank you. This is a great way to remind myself of the unique qualities I have, and to glow up💕

    2. Shashank Saini says: Reply

      Yes,I definitely agree with you.

      1. Lillian Silva says: Reply

        Gracias por compartir tan valiosa información la aplicaré. Muchas gracias y bendiciones

    3. Thanki u for shining

  2. Hopefully 2021…. Would bring all the wonderful changes m looking for. Thnxxx

    1. I wish all your dreams come true in 2021 😊

      1. Very much motivated..On the of new year..

        1. Megan Shimbiro says: Reply

          This is what I needed to start my day. Thank you

      2. Thank you for shering.. i really need this
        Hope 2021 we ill be more better person..
        And btw i’ve bee shere this to my friends too🥰🥰

      3. Very true!! We all need to be there for our friends and families when they are in need and that’s a great time or moment which a deep bond is created and one would never ever forget.

    2. Shashank Saini says: Reply

      Yes,I definitely agree with you.

  3. These are wonderful. I have already started my change and these pointers are exactly what I needed. I already had some of these on my list, I will be doing them all. Thank you, greatly. May your year be a healthy and successful one also.

    1. Thank you so much for this great post. I really enjoyed it and I am definitely going to try them all. Thank you so much again! Have a wonderful new year 2021! I will share this post with everyone. You are great!

      1. Thanks a lot 😍😍😍

      2. Oladumiye Oluwatobiloba says: Reply

        Thanks a lot…
        This is so helpful 😄👍.

  4. You know 21 days challenge app is in my daily rituals. Morning after I wake up I see the 21 days challenge which boosts my energy and confidence to live my day as a better person. Your blogs are inspiring and easy life hacks to follow. Thank you for your wonderful thought and soul.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️

  5. Thank you this is brilliant 👏 😀 🙌

  6. Thank you for this!! 💕 Really helps a lot! Wish you all the best! God bless

  7. This blog is my favourite !
    So kind of you to spread all the love and light. Keep them coming. Wishing you a very Happy 2k21, already 🙂

    1. Wow you’re so nice!
      Thank you so much!! Wishing you all the best ❤️

  8. I like these ideas, they are awesomely explained.
    I will try to practice more of these.

  9. This alone made my day 🤗☺️😊

  10. Thank you for the list. I know I need all of these things. I tend to get all caught up in the things that need more attention. And then I get out of balance.
    Please share with me more of your brilliance.🌞🙏🍀💜

  11. Thank you

    1. You know what you are right. I’ve been feeling anxious,confused and idk what else with the beginning of this year. But you made my day and thanks for sharing this❣️. I’m gonna add this to my routine.

  12. Hey..loved the whole post!! Thank you so much for all the glowing information.

    1. Thank you so much for reading it 🙂

    2. Indhira Legreaux says: Reply

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      Have a wonderful day. We keep in touch. Please, tell me if i can.

  13. Patricia Westerback says: Reply

    I love this post!! Thank you 😍🙏❤

  14. helpful! love it and please make more of these

  15. 2020 is annus horribilis 😑 I hope and pray that 2021 will be annus mirabilis 😊 so everybody will glow all throughout the year. Thanks for sharing. God bless and keep safe !

  16. thank u sooo much this article gives me a push for the new year hope u all acheiveing ur goals ,being happy thank u 21daychalenge for shopping me this lovely article💙💙💙💙

  17. This blog is very helpful. I really appreciate that you allow comments because it allows the reader to see how many others are reaching out for self improvement as well. Thank you and please don’t stop.

  18. I love reading your blogs; Direct to point & Inspiring.❤

  19. That’s right Katy😌.
    2021 is glow-up time.

  20. Very helpful.
    Thank you

  21. Thanks
    It ‘s so inspiring!!
    2021 coming on!

  22. Thank you so much for inspiring me❤

  23. Vaishnavi Bhalerao says: Reply

    I love this post 😘😘
    N now I’m going to glow up in 2021 🙂
    Ty writer for this guidance 🤗🤗

  24. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful content. This made me to think a little bit and wish to try everything. Thank you!

  25. thankyou for this blog may god bless you all reading this post and have the best of 2021.✨🤗

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  26. Thank you! This helped a lot 🙂

  27. I really enjoy the app. I love the challenges and the blog too. Thank you for sharing your light. Love and light🙏

  28. Thank you so much for the tips, much needed alongside the app,! 💕

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