The importance of making time for yourself

How many times this week did you get to do something just for yourself? 

There are always excuses to prevent us from putting ourselves first. Our lives are getting busier and busier by the day. However, it is very important for us all to stay in touch with ourselves and set time aside for some quality self-care. Self-care is important on so many levels and it means caring for your mind, body, and soul. 

If you haven’t given yourself an adequate chance to recharge your batteries and take care of yourself then you can’t be the best version of yourself. 

There’s this social belief that we must always be available to care for those around us and when we refuse to do that, we think we’re being selfish. It’s a belief that disconnects us from ourselves, from our limits and needs, and also from others, because when we become empty bodies, little or nothing remains to offer to those around us. Remember that you are a priority, always.

Self-care does not just have to be practiced one day a week, we can implement self-care into our daily routine to help us destress and encourage self-love.

Here are some ideas that you can insert into your day-to-day life to take care of yourself:

  • Read a book
  • Write a gratitude list
  • Go for a walk in nature
  • Make a goal list for the week/month
  • Declutter or clean
  • Meditate
  • Do some Yoga or stretching
  • Do a workout
  • Dance
  • Watch a funny film
  • Do a face mask
  • Call a friend
  • Make a home-cooked meal
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Diffuse essential oils
  • Organize your clothes
  • Bake
  • Eat something you really enjoy
  • Read motivational blogs
  • Pet an animal
  • Paint or draw
  • Take a nap
  • Go shopping alone
  • Start journaling, write out your thoughts
  • Eat ice cream and watch your favorite show
  • Listen to a funny podcast
  • Go on a date with yourself
  • And the list goes on …

Prioritize your self-care. Schedule it, make it happen!

What is your favorite type of self-care? I would love to hear from you!

Sending you all so much love ❤️

29 Replies to “The importance of making time for yourself”

  1. I read twenty pages of a book each day, I listen to music, I do some stretch, clean ans walk 10,000 steps a day 🙂
    Thank you for your blog, love from France ❤

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing self-care activities! And thank you for reading it ❤️

  2. Your blogs are so motivating ❣️ thanks for sharing ☺️

    1. Thank you so much ❤️

      1. Shivani Kumari says: Reply

        From today I will also start caring myself thank you for guidance

  3. Ladies especially need to be reminded to self-care. It feels, all too often, that it’s bred into me to do unto others…
    Time to treat ME as good as (or better than) I treat others
    Thank you for the reminder

  4. Your blog and your application are amazing. Thank you for being such a good partner in live changing. 💖

    1. You’re so sweet! Thank you ❤️

  5. Love this! Needed to read this today ❤

    1. Your blog reading is my meditation! Love Kati

    2. Your blog are so motivated me. Thank you very much✨

    3. Thank you all so much, you guys are the sweetest ❤️

  6. Thank you. Needed this today. I struggled with self-care until recently. On this new chapter in my life, I am learning self-love and creating healthy boundaries. I am so proud of myself and grateful to get to this place of healing. And self-love is just one if the steps that I am falling in love with. 💕

    1. I couldn’t agree more with you! Self-love it’s the most important thing ever! Sending you all the love ❤️

  7. I walk 5 miles at the lake and enjoy being in and observing nature. Watching the Sunset at the lake. I really enjoy treating myself at a nice restaurant… yes I deserve it.

    1. Love this!! Of course you deserve it!! ❤️

  8. it’s really great thing!! thank you so much for sharing. i appreciated !!🧡

  9. Ibraheem quadri says: Reply

    I had put some of the major things i do in my life to a halt to help a friend build his career in photography. Now that he is good and no longer feel that i’m needed, i tried going back to my old life, my painting, music and journaling but it don’t feel the same anymore. I feel like i lost a great part of me by not building myself the way i tried helping in building his. I’m finding myself slowly and i must say that it ain’t easy but i’m glad i realized it before it was too late. Thank you so much for your post, its the first time i’m checking it out and i love it.

  10. I fought the devil and I won.
    I put on my shoes, my hood, my wrath. I walked to the door with nothing but retribution on my mind. Something stopped me from walking out.
    It was me.
    Something came over me all of a sudden. The reality of my own importance.
    I chose to believe in not letting others control me through my own anger,
    And then I felt free..

  11. Definitely finding that making time for myself in the morning is such a great way to start the day. Gratitude lists and stretching have become something I look forward to in my self care routine. Thanks you for this blog.

    1. Confidence chika says: Reply

      I’m addicted to self-care ❤️

    2. I absolutely agree with you! Thanks for sticking around ❤️

  12. Exactly what I needed..been finding it difficult to have a me time but I would start working on that today…thank you for this piece…love from Nigeria😍

    1. We need to prioritize ourselves more. Thanks for reading it 🙂

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