8 simple ways to invest in yourself

One of the best things you can do is investing in yourself and your future. It can be developing a new skill, gaining experience, growing as a person, or get to know yourself better. And it is never a waste of time or money when you invest in yourself, you’ll become more confident, better at strengthening relationships, and dealing with difficult situations. 

So, in this blog post, I’ll share 8 easy ways on how you can invest in yourself:

Take online courses 

There are lots of online courses you can join! You can try signing up on Skillshare, Udemy, or Masterclass, for example. Who knows you could find new things you’re good at? Or you could start a business? Or change your current job to your dream one? Just because you completed your degree, doesn’t mean the learning has to end.

Learn a new skill

Learning a new skill it’s always a great investment. Boosts your confidence, keeps your brain active, and makes it more creative. Don’t stop learning however old you are. You never know when or where you might use it. You can use the platforms I mentioned before.

Learn a new language

It’s never a waste of time learning a new language and it’s never too late! You can use Duolingo, Italki, Memrise, Babbel,.. there’re lots of them for free! Choose a language and start learning. You’ll get some good practice that’ll help you expand your knowledge.

Create a list of goals

Create a list of short and long terms goals, it’s one of the best ways to live a more intentional life! You’ll feel more productive, organized, and focused to actually reach them.


Reading is one of the best ways to learn new things and to stimulate the mind.  Personally, I recommend you reading personal growth books, they are very informative and they can motivate you to become a better version of yourself.

Take care of your mental health

Invest in your mental health. Go to a therapist if you need one (a great counseling all online is BetterHelp) or take the time to talk to someone who understands you. Find an activity you enjoy doing, have self-care days, journal, whatever feels good and relaxing for you do it more!

Take care of your physical health 

Move your body. You don’t have to pay for a gym, you can do it at home or in a park.  There are tons of YouTube videos and apps with lots of different workouts you can do. Find a physical activity you enjoy. And don’t forget to eat all your meals and fuel your body.


Find time to do what you love and that makes you happy, this is really important. Baking, painting, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, whatever makes you happy, try to do it every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

How do you want to invest in yourself this year? Let me know in the comments! 🙂 


23 Replies to “8 simple ways to invest in yourself”

  1. renelda Mcfayden says: Reply

    Sign up for take and complete courses
    Eat better
    Exercise regularly

  2. I.really need a therapist

  3. This is almost serendipitous that im reading this today. If you only knew. This is my new personal go time article for ever! Thank you!

    1. Hey, your blogs are amazing…you are making a change in everyone’s life..i just love reading your blogs and curiously wait for your next blogs..love your blogs🤍🤍

    2. Elizabeth Solomon says: Reply

      Thanks for your post. From the list of eight things I can relate with some of the things mentioned. At the moment I am learning a skill though I feel tired sometimes but I’ve been able to give myself a push to keep going and learning .I’m glad that it’s working for me. Also, I’ve also started reading more though some days I miss doing it but it’s fast become an habit for me and I’m happy about it too. I can go on and on but I’ll stop here now. I want to work on some other points you raised like taking care of my physical and mental health, learning a new language. Thanks so much.

  4. I just wish there was time to do all of this. Any tips?

    1. Time blocking your day can be life changing

      1. Thank you so much for this amazing and informative article, Kati. I do love it!
        I wanna invest in learning new language, start reading and take care on my mental and physical health.

    2. I wake up at least 15 minutes b4 I normally would have to get up jus to give myself 15 minutes of peace time with my inner self. So maybe try to find a quiet place for a few minutes each day to self love u will love what it does to u

  5. I want to invest my self in reading and learning new language and hobbies also

    1. Thank you for the article. I am investing in myself more than I had even noticed 😌. I and many others I know need to give ourselves more credit. Very nice read!

  6. I am going to learn Splunk!

    1. I really need the lesson because i am finding it difficult to self love myself 😔

  7. Currently learning Chinese, am taking a free course online, learning how to knit and I do the things I love regularly.
    Am already investing in myself. Thank you for pointing it out because I didn’t realize it.

  8. Thanks for the post. Really valuable piece of information as always.

  9. Hey Kati thanks for the article I love it.
    I love the 21 days challenge app as well it’s really helpful😊. I would like to learn more about myself any suggestions of the personal growth books you mentioned?

  10. You are sooo right on each and every one of these things. I really love this app so far!! Thank you!

  11. Seeing your post about investing ourselves helped me in knowing that i can still do my best to lead a healthy life. Hope that i will become a better version of myself in future.

  12. Thank you!

  13. Although I am psychotherapist but really need to invest my self and future

  14. Look into grief counseling/and reg therapy counseling whatever it may be,def someone to talk to who is non biased.

  15. I taught myself excel and created a spreadsheet for a company. Didn’t even seem interested until couple days ago. Hired a young girl to work the office and didn’t even consider me. The one who’s put so much into the company and designs of spreadsheets that they ended up keeping. They made color and margin changes but kept my work and let me go. The upside or highlight is you can learn anything if put your mind to it. As far as how the company did me…just know that was lesson with a Blessing in the end. For I know how I won’t ever run my business. Thanks for the experience. ,🙏😊💗

  16. I need to do my excersises and maybe hobbies to ,l do enjoy singing

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