Have you ever felt exhausted because you couldn’t stop overthinking everything in your life? You overanalyze, worry, get stuck thinking about the past, stress about the future…Spending too much time thinking about things can hold you back in life and causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. You just have to control your thoughts to allow you to make rational decisions and pursuing your goals.
So, in today’s post, I’m going to give you some simple strategies you can use to stop the cycle of overthinking.
Become aware of your thoughts
When you become conscious about your thoughts you can redirect your thoughts to a calmer path. Take note of how you’re feeling throughout the day when you start feeling stressed or worrying about the future. Identify the source of your thoughts and then try to switch your attention.
Interrupt overthinking
Engaging in a completely different activity is the best way to switch the focus on your mind to something more positive. Call a friend, go for a walk, play an instrument, whatever feels good for you.
Create routines
Creating routines can make your head clear so it’s easier to make smart decisions in advance. And with enough repetition, your routine becomes a habit and you don’t have to think about it, you just do it.
You can’t control everything
You can’t change the past and you can’t predict the future, so why worrying about things that you can’t control? I know it’s hard, but really try to learn to let things go or at least redirect your thoughts. Make a conscious effort to be in the moment and not in the past or future.
Know your worth
The best way to stop overthinking is to know your worth. When you have to do a tough decision, remember your values and apply them to your decision. You’ll probably find that an answer is easier to find.
Don’t try to be perfect
Stop wasting so much energy on making decisions just because you worry about being good, smart, pretty, or what other people will think. Just be yourself and trust your intuition.
Express your thoughts by journaling. Over time you’ll start to notice patterns in your thoughts that will help you change your “bad” habits. And by putting your thoughts on paper, your overthinking will decrease.
Keep in mind:
- Be aware when you start overthinking
- Question your worries
- Switch your concentration to another thing when you start thinking about everything
- Limit your “daily overthinking time”
- Express your emotions, talk to someone, journal
- Train the mind to stay focused on the present moment
I hope these simple, yet effective, strategies help you to stop overthinking your life.
What do you do when you catch yourself overthinking everything in your life? Let me know in the comments below 😊 Sending you so much love ❤️
Thanks i hope i can control my overthinking
Can over thinking be an addiction?
Indeed it can be. You just have to recognise the pattern. That’s what I do.
Well when I overthink, I usually tell it to my trusted friend. She’ll give me life advices and positive comments to uplift my feelings. She motivates me in any way she can and she made me realize so many things. She contribute many things in my life. And we all needed that one friend.
I reorganized my closet
Thank you guys for this
When I Overthink, I usually watch web series alot all day and eat again n again.
Great interventions to stop overthinking! Consciously Stay in the moment!
I’ll try. Thankyou!
Found this to be so handful…thanks a lot
I get my butt downstairs in my studio and start mixing paints to create something brand new.
I hope that I have that gift so I could just paint whatever bothers me….
I hope I will be able to stop overthinking😪
The thing the most dangerous on overthinking is when it becomes itself a routine u will overthink automatically in every move in every task that u do so u won t focus that much âne your profuctivity is verry loW comparing the normal , it makes me lose a lot i believe i must fix this problem to move on and succeed
I will make a card for my husband ‘s Birthday next week. Thanks Standeagle
I will apply this tips immediately thank you 😊
Can you make a blog tips for student and teenagers please.
I found this helpful
Writing this in my journal
Sara Kuburic, CCC; @millennial.therapist
1. What do I need right now?
2. What does this situation want to teach me?
3. What am I being asked to let go of?
4. How can I grow/evolve?
5. How can I show myself love?
So simple it makes me want to facepalm. But thank you for the list at the end, definitely going to hot that down. 🙂
I try talking to someone.
I do this a lot and I get frustrated often. It’s a bad habit because it results to lost of time and becoming unproductive but I am trying to help myself thru reading motivational blogs.
I downloaded this app almost two weeks ago and finally started yesterday. I completed day one, yay but not with the energy I should have, p but I started.
Look up & hear Eckhart Tolle. His words may change your life. They have mine & continue to do so.
Thank you for this! I am glad that you help people struggling with this. Overthinking is not suitable for us, especially for our health. Let’s practice having holistic health because it promotes peace of mind and an inner glow.